
Benefits and Technology of Mosquitron Trap .
  • Model: 045
  • Shipping Weight: 1lbs
  • 17 Units in Stock

33.21€ Inc VAT
27.00€ Ex VAT

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Stop the biggest threat of Slovakia from mosquito infection - mosquito catcher will help ...
Mosquito Catcher ALF-045 (No Harmful Chemicals)

Don't risk being exposed to the most devastating animal world ...
In Slovakia, simple mosquito bites can mean serious illness or death.

Have you noticed more mosquitoes in Slovakia?

That's because swarms are on the rise. Warmer seasons allow dangerous species to multiply, more and multiply faster ... which means increased risk to you!

All you need to do is connect the device to an external 5V USB power supply and start operation immediately.

So far we have used sprays, candles and creams to keep them away. But none of these 'anti-mosquito' solutions actually protect over an hour.

Solutions containing "DEET" - a dangerous, harmful chemical that can be harmful to us and the environment - works best, but at most only 45 minutes ... But the equipment does not contain any chemicals!

Now there's a new device that claims to keep you and your loved ones free of mosquitoes:

What are we talking about?
It was designed by two German engineers who were fed up during camping. They found that traditional pest control devices were either using harmful chemicals or not working!
So they designed this brilliant device;

It is called the Mosquitron, which is a brand new type of bug catcher. It is ideal for cleaning up all the unpleasant and dangerous flying pests!

It is a stylish, easy-to-use device and can clean your home of dirty flies and dangerous mosquitoes!

People use them to live "without mosquitoes" - the results are incredible ...

How does it work?
Design is innovative and highly efficient.
Instead of trying to keep the mosquitoes away, they actually attract them, then catch them and kill them!
Meadows and mosquitoes attract close by using a safe, totally harmless UV phototaxic light-inducing light - translation: Flying pests can't resist it!
In addition to UV-PT light, it is a powerful but effective blower that draws insects through a 1-way hatch.
Once trapped in the drying basket, it is dried to death by a fan at 2 min. (They die without moisture.)
You can simply empty dead bugs into the trash without touching them.
No mosquitos = No bits for you!
We were surprised how easy it was to set up;
Get involved and go!
No batteries or chemicals required. Almost silent in operation.

Texts taken with the official website:
See Mosquitron in action:
Plus, it really works!
When you look at the rise of mosquito and virus viruses and the number of victims, then $ 89 looks like a good deal for the peace of mind that you are protecting ...

Benefits and Technology of Mosquitron Trap ...

Does Mosquitron Really Work in Real Life?
Some of our employees have tried it in their homes. The results speak for themselves:

"In the warm months we get a lot of flies and mosquitoes. It means you can't sit outside in the evening without eating alive and your food crawls with dirty flies."

We used citronella candles. They did the job a bit, the problem is that these candles burn out after 15mins and the kids hate the strong smell of them.

When we were eating out in the evening, we founded the Mosquitron. The results are amazing - no flies, no mosquitoes bother us. Finally, we'll enjoy the outdoors again! "

"Mosquitos are a hot, wet climate problem. We used 2 of these liquid chemical repellents in our bedroom when we were asleep. My wife would complain that she was in the morning when we used them. Now we use our Mosquitron and wake up with bite and headache!

"After having suffered two bouts of badly infected mosquitoes last year, I was willing to try something out. This mosquitron really works and you don't have to worry about breathing any unpleasant chemicals."

Conclusion: Is It Worth It?
In short, yes! It really attracts and traps flies and mosquitoes. Our staff tested it

This product was added to our catalog on Friday 12 July, 2019.