Multifunctional bird scarer audio + ultrasound in a single, new version 2014 - bird scarer BirdXPeller-PRO793 sound + ultrasound -plast-11New gene
There Repeller sends various natural audio signals recorded in the audible range ie bird distress and offensive noises scare the birds in the effective range is up to 4 times greater than the bird scarer BirdXPeller-PRO793 sound-jacket-11New gene. birds and other NF having only one loudspeaker carried out.
This bird repeller sends a series of beeps naturally recorded bird distress sounds of predators and calls them scared, confused and disoriented in effective four, I repro range.
These high-definition digital recordings are played at 4X speakers to create an environment that is threatening and inhospitable to birds. Plašič is fully programmable.
Sonic & ultrasonic - to a combination of audio sounds and high-frequency sound waves that are audible for humans, but humans do not mind. There are only audible sounds like birds of prey.
4-speaker system - contains 4 independent speakers with 30 m of wire to each speaker
Customizable - adjust volume, audio delay, day / night mode
* Real sounds - high-quality digital playback of recorded natural threats, plus ultrasound
* Waterproof - NEMA casing is designed to withstand external use
* The visual alarm products included
* Solar power option
Product code: -793-sound-plas-11New
It is a professional product for scaring birds - generally. Plašič works
in the audible range. This is the best equipment for the production US-BirdX where, after extensive field trials BirdXPeller-PRO794 x 4. The device greatly reduced or completely restrict contamination by birds in your area.
Repels: birds, pigeons, sparrows, starlings, gulls, cormorants, crows and many more.
The most effective product (in the audible range) against all migratory birds as well as pigeons. Persistent functional product switches adjustable in several times. Chip digital recording ensures the highest quality reproduction. The product sends the natural cries, screams of fear, threat and sounds of predators. Sounds irregularly alternate and prevents birds
the abutting into the guarded area.
• professional solutions scaring birds
• maximum possible efficiency,
• The speaker is part of the product,
• random time switching,
• 8 kinds of cries recorded on a chip (15 m cable for power supply)
• mounting bracket,
• included adapter for car battery included - just select your model name.
For external use: vineyards, orchards, buildings and other outdoor areas.
Effective against most birds: starlings, fieldfare, swallows, pigeons, etc.
The device operates on the principle of issuing a loud sound, so the device is not recommended for residential complexes, where the sounds of birds of prey can interfere with generally people if they want to have peace and quiet at home. While not a problem, and to adjust the sound fade your surroundings.
Birds of the sound coming from plasic perceived as a danger, and departing away. Birds are sound upset
and disoriented. They become agitated and disoriented, they think that their flocks of birds are in trouble, so departing from the field
where you do not want to finding therefore it prelietali or her hniezdili.
Where are fed birds or overfly first find out what their habits of birds. This will help you determine the best location
and device settings. Pigeons have slightly different habits, but perhaps it is appropriate to try and ultrasonic plašiče of our offer
It is appropriate to try to set the mode under observation in a particular environment.
The device provides up to eight sounds, it is appropriate to choose the right one for your needs or select all sounds.
In fact, it is appropriate to set all the sounds and sequential switching off those to whom in your neighborhood birds react. Then, if you need to in the future scare various birds, simply pre-program BirdXPeller PRO-794th
In addition to programming the selected birds, you can also program the so-called period (or the sound. Noise and quiet), or sounds programmed random sequence of sounds.
These programming options are appropriate for the birds got used to a pattern of startle.
It is appropriate that plasic connected to the timer to turn on only at a specified time, according to your wishes. The device includes an optical light sensor so it is also possible to configure the device itself automatically mode on or off.
The device is harmless to pets and people. He works in the audible range and is suitable for outdoor installation
in the gardens, plots and orchards, waterbodies or stadiums.
BirdXPeller-PRE-793 is made for the purpose of attacks birds with loud sound and terrorized by them but not hurt.
because it is environmentally friendly and harmless.
Frequency: 3-5 kHz / 15-25 kHz (sound and ultrasonic)
Coverage: 1000 m 2 (depending on the nature of the terrain)
Central Unit Dimensions: 23 x 23 x 13 cm
The dimensions of each speaker: 10 x 10 x 15 cm (4 pcs)
Speakers: 8 ohms, 30 watts
Weight: 7 kg
All four speakers Broadband For electronic bird repeller give audible and ultrasonic sounds. The volume of audible sound is adjustable. Ultasound emission always active (in the evening and during the day) - it depends on the settings - except when the instrument is issued by an audible sound.
Repels: pigeons, sparrows, starlings, gulls, cormorants, crows and many other birds.
Three BirdXPeller PRE-794 models - bird repellent for your needs:
There are many tools scared off birds from your home, terraces, balconies and other structures.
May be effective for outdoor areas, farms, orchards, fields and other open farm buildings.
It is an effective bird scarer that scare the birds that are found in the rafters, porticos, belfry, or when awnings, antennas, overhangs, pipes and all other types of architectural elements that attract birds and Resting plasic confuse them and creates the impression of danger in if their approach, to rest or nesting.
Possible use:
Outdoor spaces, front or back yard, private houses, parks, open canopies, blinds, canopies, roofs, parking lots, playgrounds, car land, buildings, warehouses, docks and more extra space.
Ultrasonic Bird repellers and sonic repellers Bird plašiče (some units can do both), are effective for small areas such as balconies, roads, fields, orchards, warehouses and outdoor factory building complexes. Using motion detector can improve the efficiency of small units on board balconies and entrances so that the device Plašič not broadcast always only sound, but also the ultrasonic signal.
You can follow what happens in this short video where the sound Repeller enabled at the factory
What really makes that installation?
"For BirdXPeller-794" electronic bird repeller 4X scare birds trieskajúcimi loud sound waves. These birds are put off device automatically sends various natural recorded sounds of birds of prey and various emergency signals. These noises scare up
and disorient birds within its effective range. These high definition digital recordings are played on the speaker to ensure that the message gets up to pests respectively. birds: "Keep Out".
Plašič installs easily: it can fit almost anywhere.
Continuous operation: repels birds 24 hours / 7 days or at night.
Variable frequency: attacks of various birds with different settings.
Plašič waterproof: elegant casing is designed to withstand years of outdoor use from the weather.
Real - Sound: high quality digital playback of recorded bird distress and of course the alarm.
Maintenance - Free: plasic if properly installed, there is no need continuous maintenance.
No moving parts: no need for mechanical repairs.
Other pests.
Indoor / Outdoor spaces,
Trucks in closed areas
Infrastructure and transport, airports, highways,
Production facilities,
Warehouses and docks,
Farms, barns, stables,
Sheds and storage areas,
Homes and gardens,
Wagons and garages.
Super BirdXPeller Pro 4 Speaker Digital Bird Scarer - Version 2
Audible, Programmable, Species-Specific 4 Speaker Bird Scarer
Rugged Weatherproof Design Ideal For Home, Light Commercial or Marine Use
Covers up to 6 Acres (2.4 Hectares)
8 Dispersal Calls: Blackbird, Crow, Grackle, Cormorant, Raven, Bird Predator 1, Bird Predator 2, Bird Predator 3
Daylight Sensor
Available in 240V Mains AC or 12V DC Battery Power Variants (Battery Not Included)
Control Unit Dimensions: 22cm X 20cm X 14cm
Speaker Dimensions: 10cm X 15cm X 9cm
Sound Pressure: 105 - 110 dB at 1 metre
Frequency Range: 3 - 5 kHz
One Super BirdXpeller Pro weatherproof central control unit with mounting bracket
Four Weatherproof speakers. Each with 30 metres of speaker cable
Plug-in 12-volt power supply or 12-volt DC battery clips
Installation instructions
Electronic bird repeller – Broadband Pro
Pigeon, sparrow, swallow, starling, swan or wild goose cause problem to You?
The Broadband Pro electronic bird repeller system is very effective and suitable to keep away the unwanted pigeon, sparrow, swallow, starling, swan, wild goose and other birds.
This sonic and ultrasonic bird repeller can imitate the sounds of different birds of prey (hawk, gull), the sounds of alarm of some birds and can emit different alarm signals.Broadband Pro is very suitable for making buildings, industrial units, animal farms and workshops free from birds outdoor and indoor.
Bird flu has appeared many places in the world. This is a fact.Protection and prevention are necessary by governments and single persons as well.
It’s not worth killing birds, because bird carcass can be infectious too! We only have to repell them and the danger of infection will also „fly away” with the birds.
Elektronikus madárriasztó rendszer - Broadband Pro
vagy vadlúd okoz Önnek problémát?
A Broadband Pro elektronikus madárriasztó rendszer hatásos és kiválóan alkalmas a nem kívánt galamb, fecske, veréb, seregély, hattyú, vadliba és egyéb madarak távoltartására.
Normál- és ultrahangos madárriasztó, mely képes többféle ragadozó madár (héja, sirály) és bizonyos madarak vészjelző hangjának utánzására, illetve különböző riasztó hang kibocsátására.
Hol alkalmazható a Broadband Pro
A Broadband Pro - galambriasztó, fecskeriasztó, verébriasztó, seregélyriasztó - készülék kiválóan alkalmas külső és belső terek, épületek, üzemcsarnokok, állattartó telepek, műhelyek madármentesítésére.
Kombinált madárriasztás
Két vagy többféle készülék egyszerre alkalmazva (pl. egy hanggal működő és egy vizuális riasztó) kombinált hatást eredményez – azaz több termék együtt nagyobb hatásfokot érhet el, mint egy készülék önmagában.
Scarecrow Bio-Acoustic
Fixed Speakers on Runways
Expensive? Yes. Potentially lethal? We'll leave that for you to decide....
Tried and we thought abandoned years ago, the idea of putting loudspeakers playing bird noises down runways at fixed positions is being discussed again.
We cannot state that it is not at all effective; we can state that vehicle based systems are in major use with proven efficiency.
Fixed systems are not regarded as an efficient, or indeed a safe, method by which to broadcast bird distress calls; by their very nature they are also expensive in hardware and installation.
When the bird control operator takes a mobile bird dispersal device to the problem flock of birds, he is able to hear the broadcast clearly, set the volume according to the task in hand and turn it off if he has put birds up at the wrong moment, or completed his task.
If the speakers are only around the runway, it follows that broadcasts will only be from these fixed locations and habituation is then more likely. A mobile operator necessarily varies the location of broadcast and usually tries to play downwind fixed installations cannot do this.
Depending on the location of the "bird control point", it may not be possible for the operator to hear that bird distress calls are actually being broadcast. If they cannot, how do they know the birds can hear it?
If the birds do not disperse in response to a fixed position broadcast, or non-broadcast, what does the operator then do? Despatch a vehicle to do the job and if so, will aircraft be held while this is done?
Is this more efficient than having the vehicle out on the airfield doing the job in the first place!!
Distress Call Library Research and development
For Scarecrow, call research is a continuous mission so please email us if the call you need is not listed. At the foot of this page we list the calls under development by field trial. We do not supply distress calls that have not been proven efficient by scientific testing.
Any Scarecrow product can feature any of our calls. Each call exchange requires that it replaces an existing call. Please Contact Us for further details.
Our Species
Male Austrailian White Ibis (Threskiornis molucca)
Female Austrailian White Ibis (Threskiornis molucca)
Canada Goose (Branta canadensis) - 4 variants
Greater White Fronted Goose (Anser albifrons)
Gosling (Branta canadensis)
Grey Lag Goose (Anatidae)
Oystercatcher (Haematopus ostralegus)
Lapwing (Vanellus vanellus)
Lapwing Peewit (Vanellus vanellus)
Great Blue Heron (Ardea Herodias) 2 variants
Golden Plover (Pluvialis apricaria)
Killdeer (Charadrius vociferus)
Stone Curlew (Burhinus oedicnemus)
Long Billed Curlew (Numenius americanus)
Herring gull (Larus argentatus)
Yellow-legged gull (Larus michahellis)
Ring-billed gull (Larus delawarensis)
Common gull (Larus canus)
Silver gull (Larus novaehollandiae)
Black-headed gull (Larus ridibundus)
Feral Pigeon (Columba livia)
Perching Birds
House sparrow (Passer domesticus)
Blackbird (Turdus merula)
Song thrush (Turdus philomelos)
Yellow-headed blackbird (Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus)
Red-winged blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus) - Female and Immature variants
European starling (Sturnus vulgaris)
Black-collared starling (Sturnus nigricollis)
Crested myna (Acridotheres cristatellus)
Myna (Acridotheres Tristis)
Immature Red Winged Blackbird (Agelaius Phoeniceus)
Rook (Corvus frugilegus)
Carrion crow (Corvus corone) - 2 variants
Jackdaw (Corvus monedula)
Magpie (Pica pica)
Jay (Garrulus glandarius)
Blue Jay (Cyanocitta cristata)
Sea Birds
Great Skua (Catharacta Skua)
Pelagic Cormorant (Phalacrocorax pelagicus)
Artic Tern (Sterna paradisaea)
Double Crested Cormorant (Phalocrocorax auritus)
Birds of Prey
Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus)
American Kestrel (Falco sparverius)
Birds of Prey - Combination
Falcon (Falconidae) 2 variants
Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos)
Northern Goshawk (Accipiter gentillis)
Flamingo (Phoenicoparrus andinus)
Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos)
Novel Sound (Whizz bang)
Sand Martins (Riparia riparia)
Grey Partridge (Perdix perdix)
This product was added to our catalog on Wednesday 31 October, 2012.