
Elektronický odpudzovač krtkov a hmyzožravých zvierat 500m2 ODKH
  • Model: 735
  • Shipping Weight: 1lbs
  • 79 Units in Stock

36.00€ Inc VAT
30.00€ Ex VAT

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NEW 2015 more powerful type 500 m2 ODKH2-735a

Primarily to drive away the mole - insectivores. The newer version of the stronger vybrovacím sector. It is waterproof and therefore suitable to be placed in gardens, parks, golf courses and any other in the indoor and outdoor spaces.


It issued irregular long audible tones irregularly with long pauses, which are spread in the soil and thus interfere with a person stay in the garden.


It is effective within 15 to 18 meters (effective area of ​​about 500m²)

Power 6 pcs Battery Series "C" (R14, "secondary batteries") Battery life is about six months,

Temperature range -20 ° C to + 50 ° C,

Device dimensions: 137 mm (W) x 235 mm (H).

Weight: without batteries: 0.50 kg.


Remove the lid from the device.

Insert 6 pieces of 1.5V batteries type C, put them gradually into the holder. Note the polarity when inserting batteries.
Battery holder, connect the wires to the device indicated manner.

Once you connect the battery, the unit turns on and is fully ready for use.

The machine starts irregularly emits a faint audible sound.


Replace the device and bury it in the ground, either whole or as being seen lid.


The batteries will last about all summer, so no longer need to replace the battery.


The device must burrow into the ground in an upright position, the lid up.


The device is recommended occasionally move in order to gradually moles or printed. We drove out of space that we want to protect against molehills.


Use a high quality alkaline batteries, unbranded so-called paper batteries last only two to three months and can begin to flow. It's necessary to immediately replace the batteries, and wipe the spillage of acid from the battery pack.


The device is completely environmentally friendly, as it uses no chemicals.


Only it uses sound frequencies, which is unpleasant for the diggers - insectivores.
Produced sound bothers No pets or birds.


The device is fully human as animal scarer - mole murders, only a scare.


Code: - 735-plas-mole-400 meters


This product was added to our catalog on Tuesday 27 July, 2010.